Access vba get bitcoin price at a specific time

access vba get bitcoin price at a specific time

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Other real-time crypto data you. PARAGRAPHDo you need to quickly get crypto prices in Excel. My passion led me to you to pull up historical quickly found myself spending more.

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EASILY Import Any Crypto Price Into Excel
Learn how to stream live crypto prices into Microsoft Excel. Tony This is what will enable us to get real time streaming data from BitMEX into. This VBA-powered spreadsheet give you live exchange rates for Bitcoin, Etherium, Monero, Dogecoin and other cryptocurrencies. If so, it would be a simple matter of a lookup (either VLOOKUP, INDEX/MATCH or XLOOKUP). If not, you're going to have a little harder time of it.
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After clicking the blue question mark icon, you should see the Data Selector pane appear on the right side of your window. Hundreds of providers. This is because they refer to an online data source. If you have any questions about this technique or suggestions on how to improve it, please let me know in the comments section below. There are plans to add more data types in the future.