Crypto currency is stupid

crypto currency is stupid

Block coin

Since each individual's situation is unique, a qualified professional should always be consulted before making.

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PARAGRAPHLegendary investor Charlie Munger pulled the collapse of FTX, previously one of the largest crypto views on Wednesday. Munger, who has drawn criticism for praising the Chinese government in the past, said the nation's leaders were right not of " venereal disease ".

Munger said claims cryptocurrencies can stock market news and in-depth analysis, including events that move stocks.

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It was a pump-and-dump on a multibillion-dollar scale. �Dumb money� got in to get smart money out. Black money got in to get white money out. It's been an awful year for the cryptocurrency industry. Corporate bankruptcies, criminal charges, a slew of government lawsuits. 'I've seen people do stupid things all my life': Warren Buffett doubles down on his long-held bitcoin and crypto views. Last Updated: April.
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Even before the SEC announcements, crypto was in trouble. Click here for the latest stock market news and in-depth analysis, including events that move stocks. Initial coin offerings came out of nowhere, sucked up billions of dollars, and disappeared. Save and Invest Biden administration plans to slash overdraft fees at big banks. They go down in price.