Cryptocurrency a commodity

cryptocurrency a commodity

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Cryptocurrencies present one of the most exciting investment options in. That difference becomes important within data, original reporting, and interviews.

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Is Crypto a Commodity? � Cryptocurrency � Strategy & Education. Is Bitcoin a commodity? Yes, virtual currencies, such as Bitcoin, have been determined to be commodities under the Commodity. Exchange Act (CEA). Does the. The debate over whether cryptocurrencies should be defined as securities, like stocks, or commodities, like wheat or gold, has implications.
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However, there is still controversy regarding regulating decentralized assets such as crypto and if regulators have jurisdiction over them. So the analysis that we did at the CFTC, which is the institution that our Congress, with public support, set up to oversee commodity markets, so the analysis that we did for Bitcoin and Ethereum is, how are they more a commodity-like instrument, like an interest rate or a gold mineral rather than a security from a corporate issuer, an enterprise issuer. Think about oil or wheat or corn or minerals. Is Cryptocurrency a Commodity or Security?